Joint projects implementation unit
under the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan
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Trainings are held for specialists of Press Services of district khokimiyats

Today, July 15, within the framework of the Sustainable Rural Development Project, a training seminar for the Press Services of Bukhara and Navoi regions started its work in Bukhara city.

During the two-day training, representatives of Press Services of Bukhara, Vobkent, Gijduvon, Kogon, Shofirkon and Kiziltepa, Karman, Navbahor districts of Bukhara region will get acquainted with the experience of specialists in PR (public relations) and photojournalism.

The training program included such topics as improving the image of the khokimiyat, strengthening the bridge between the population and government organizations, improving skills in working with photographs, developing skills in using modern means of communication, and familiarizing the population with the Sustainable Rural Development Project.

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