Joint projects implementation unit
under the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan
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In Bukhara, a seminar on procurement in the construction process was held

Within the framework of the Sustainable Rural Development project, the company “Renardet S.A. & Partners Consulting Engineers” organized a seminar on procurement processes in construction.

It was attended by representati…

July 25, 2024 29

Training for spokespersons of Karakalpakstan and Khorezm region conducted

Within the framework of the Sustainable Rural Development project on the initiative of UNDP, training was organized for heads of information services of the districts participating in the project. Such seminars were also held wit…

July 19, 2024 100

Trainings are held for specialists of Press Services of district khokimiyats

Today, July 15, within the framework of the Sustainable Rural Development Project, a training seminar for the Press Services of Bukhara and Navoi regions started its work in Bukhara city.

During the two-day training, re…

July 15, 2024 153

Construction of subprojects in Bukhara region started

The Sustainable Rural Development Project is being implemented in Bukhara, Kogon, Vobkent, Shafirkan, and Gijduvan districts of Bukhara region at the expense of credit funds from the Islamic Development Bank and …

July 12, 2024 111

All news

Latest Tenders

Tender for the performance of contract works for the implementation of the Sust…

Within the framework of the Sustainable Rural Development Project till March 28 of the current year, tender proposals are accepted for the construction of preschool educational institutions, schools, family medical clinics, mahalla consum…

March 1, 2024 613

All tenders

Our projects

Integrated Rural Development Project (2nd stage)

Among all the reforms that are currently taking place in our country, there is primarily an emphasis on enhancing the quality of life, strengthening the welfare system, and fostering economic growth.

Consistent with these goals, a Presi…

Sustainable Rural Development Project

The Sustainable Rural Development Project will be implemented based on the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 18, 2021, No. PD-5246 “On measures to implement the project “<…

The Rural Infrastructure Development Project

The Rural Infrastructure Development Project is considered as the first-ever CDD Project in Uzbekistan, all stages of which are implemented taking into account the opinion of the population. Community mobilization activities…

About Us

The Sustainable Rural Development Project will be implemented based on the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 18, 2021, No. PD-5246 “On measures to implement the Sustainable Rural Development project with the participation of the Islamic Development Bank and the OPEC Fund for International Development”.

Total cost of the project: 338 million USD

Objectives of the project:
• radical renewal of the architectural appearance of rural areas;
• integrated development of regions;
• construction of road transport infrastructure, engineering and communication networks, and social facilities;
• improving the culture of life of the population.

The implementation of the Sustainable Rural Development Project is planned to create new jobs in 4 regions of our country, in particular, in 170 mahallas (40 central, 130 adjacent mahallas) in 20 districts of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, Bukhara, Navoi, and Khorezm regions.

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