Joint projects implementation unit
under the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan
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Environmental and social screening of sites in Bukhara region

Within the framework of the Sustainable Rural Development Project specialists of the Joint Project Implementation Unit under the Ministry of Economy and Finance are conducting environmental and social screening of allocated sites for the construction of facilities located in mahallas of Gijduvan, Vobkent, Shofirkon, Bukhara, and Kogan districts of Bukhara region.

Currently, subprojects for the construction of social facilities such as the construction of a consumer services center and mahalla, the construction of kindergartens, and family polyclinics have been prepared and approved.

The screening identifies land plots and plantations and all aspects that may lead to negative environmental and social impacts and involuntary resettlement. Subproject screening is used to identify the types and nature of potential impacts and ensure adequate measures to address them. 

During environmental and social screening, community meetings are held to inform the community about the projects and the complaints mechanism.

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