Joint projects implementation unit
under the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan
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“Sustainable Rural Development” project: have been identified subprojects which chosen for the next stage in Karakalpakstan

The “Sustainable Rural Development” Project implementation group together with representatives of the UNDP organized another business trip to the Republic of Karakalpakstan.
Within organized meetings for effective implementation of this project sub-projects defined by UNDP this year in 15 mahallas of 4 districts (Beruniy, Amudarya, Turtkul, and Ellikkala) were discussed with representatives of construction, pre-school and school education, healthcare, roads, irrigation, electricity, and water supply organizations.
Social and communication network capacities were identified during the discussion, a list of sub-projects to be implemented was generated, and instructions were given to the relevant district khokimiyats, departments, and organizations to accelerate work under the project.

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