As part of the Sustainable Rural Development Project of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, an opening ceremony was held for newly constructed preschool educational institutions in Ellikqala District of the Republic of Karakalpakstan.
The construction of two 90-seat kindergartens in the “Chupon” and “Pakhtachi” mahallas has been completed and made available to the local community. These facilities, built by the contractor organization “Tuproqqala maxsus qurilish” LLC, will benefit more than 500 residents.
Residents were actively involved in selecting the locations for these facilities, which were built using credit funds from the Islamic Development Bank. The newly opened kindergartens provide young children a comfortable and engaging environment, helping them spend their preschool years productively, prepare for school, and enjoy meaningful activities.
The opening ceremonies were attended by Valijan Niyazimbetov, Khokim of Ellikqala District; Murat Atamuratov, representative for Youth Policy and Public Associations in the Joqorgi Kenges of the Republic of Karakalpakstan; Bayrambay Otemuratov, Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan for Youth Policy, Social Development, and Spiritual and Educational Affairs; as well as representatives from JPIU, UNDP, and local residents.
Photo Credits: Ellikqala District Khokimiyat