Joint projects implementation unit
under the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan
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Mahalla activities analyzed as part of the Sustainable Rural Development Project

As part of the Sustainable Rural Development Project, a round table discussion was organized by the auxiliary partner UNDP to analyze the activities of mahallas.

The event brought together specialists from the Joint Projects Implementation Unit under the Ministry of Economy and Finance, representatives from regional khokimiyats involved in the project – including the Republic of Karakalpakstan, Khorezm, Bukhara, and Navoi regions – employees of the Uzbekistan Mahallas Association, representatives of the Islamic Development Bank, and international experts.

For the analysis and development of recommendations to address existing challenges, four mahallas were selected by an international expert:

  • Talaliyon (Bukhara)
  • Samanboy (Republic of Karakalpakstan)
  • Hidoyat (Khorezm)
  • Zarmetan (Navoi)

The round table served as a platform for sharing experiences and insights, as well as collaboratively shaping future strategies for mahalla development.

During the roundtable, participants shared their proposals and experiences in such areas as supporting socially vulnerable populations in mahallas, providing additional opportunities for youth and entrepreneurs, addressing environmental and infrastructure issues, and strengthening cooperation with local khokimiyats.

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