Joint projects implementation unit
under the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan
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The launch of the Integrated Rural Development Project (Phase 2) took place

Today in Tashkent, an event was held dedicated to the launch of the Integrated Rural Development Project (Phase 2) of the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan which is carried out with the financial support of the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB).

The event was attended by Samandar Sadullayev, Deputy Minister of Economy and Finance, Ali Khan, Country Operations Manager, IsDB Regional Hub Almaty, along with other specialists from the bank, Akiko Fuji, Resident Representative of the United Nations Development Program Office in Uzbekistan, as well as representatives from various ministries, organizations, and local khokimiyats, and employees responsible for the project’s implementation.

“Through our joint effort in advancing sustainable rural development in Uzbekistan, we have made remarkable progress in empowering rural communities, enhancing infrastructure, and addressing critical needs in areas such as education, healthcare, and basic services. Our main aim is to improve the life quality of rural people”, - Akiko Fujii, UNDP Resident Representative in Uzbekistan stressed in her welcoming remarks.

On March 28, 2024, a Presidential Decree was adopted to launch the second phase of the Integrated Rural Development Project aimed at socio-economic improvement of life in remote areas of Uzbekistan. To accomplish the set tasks the Ministry of Economy and Finance with the participation of the IsDB is launching the Integrated Rural Development Project Phase II, which would cover 157 mahallas in 21 districts of Samarkand, Kashkadarya and Surkhandarya regions in 2024-2028. The project is worth $293.5 million.

“The Islamic Development Bank is glad to be entrusted by the Government of Uzbekistan to be a strategic partner in implementing the Sustainable Rural Development project, and we hope to successfully continue this partnership with the Government of Uzbekistan and UNDP. In the project's first phase, we have completed the community development plan in the Aral Sea region, and now we are moving on to the construction of the rural infrastructure. It is gratifying that we are launching the second phase of the project with such results”, - said Wahyu Wijayanto, Operations Team Leader of the Islamic Development Bank Regional Hub in Almaty, Kazakstan.

The new project is aimed at improving the living standards of rural residents by improving road and transport infrastructure, engineering and communication networks, power supply systems, and application of resource-saving and environmentally friendly technologies in the construction and renovation of social facilities such as kindergartens, secondary schools, and rural clinics.

It is also planned to empower and strengthen the capacity of the local community of architects, engineers, local authorities, and other stakeholders in designing and implementing community development plans using suitable green and energy-efficient as well as digital solutions.

The project is expected to empower communities to identify their development priorities, and needs, through community development planning which will serve as the basis for the implementation of construction and investment projects.

As noted during the opening event, the project will contribute to reducing rural poverty through inclusive and sustainable growth. As a result of the project, it is planned to improve the living conditions of more than 622 thousand people from rural areas.

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